What do the silent treatment, bickering
and blame gaming all have in common?

Where do anxiety, overcompensating,
and fear of speaking up come from?

Click to Learn More

Regulate before you relate

Together in this free 1-hour class, we’ll shed light on this link between your nervous system and your relationships, so you can:

• Begin unwiring lifelong default stress responses that hinder love, intimacy, expression, and intuition…

• Avoid hurting the ones you love and tarnishing personal + professional relationships

• Start being attracted to partners, teams and friends who are (*gasp*) ACTUALLY good for you

• Feel more socially confident + grounded when networking or walking into big meetings

• Quickly alchemize moments of misunderstanding + misattunement, turning them into glue that strengthens bonds and invites respect.

You will leave with takeaways that will change the way you see yourself, the way you see others, and the way you love.

The overarching result? CLARITY. In your emotions. Your needs. Your words. Your chemistry. Your inner guidance + Heart’s signal…

Yielding relationships with less friction + restriction, and more freedom + flow.

Loved this Masterclass?
Go deeper in The Nourish System.

An 8-week guided program
… with one year of support to last a lifetime
from Danielle LaPorte + V.S.

This is a body, mind and heart approach to resilience.

Go Deeper with The Nourish System

teachers + support team

danielle laporte

If you’re new to my work, here’s the officialness: Danielle LaPorte is a member of Oprah’s SuperSoul 100 a group who, in Oprah Winfrey’s words, “is uniquely connecting the world together with a spiritual energy that matters.” She is the former director of a future studies think tank in Washington, DC, where she managed a team creating global scenarios.

Danielle is the creator of the Heart Centered Membership + Class series and the Heart Centered Leadership Program with 400+ coaches and facilitators in 30 countries hosting conversation circles and workshops on resilience and collective kindness.

Her most recent book is How To Be Loving. She’s also the author of The Fire Starter Sessions, The Desire Map, White Hot Truth, and producer of dozens of meditation kits and programs for spiritual support.

Her podcast, WITH LOVE, DANIELLE, has ranked in iTunes’ top 10 for wellness. Most of her offerings are on a pay what you choose basis. Named one of the Top 100 Websites for Women by Forbes, millions of people a month visit DanielleLaPorte.com.


… is our RESIDENT ENERGY HEALER. She’s been working with Team D and me for over 8 years to create meditations and give esoteric guidance for the Heart Centered Membership. A skilled metaphysical practitioner originally from India, she draws on multiple wisdom traditions and practices very privately.

The wellness is within you.

And the world we want to live in needs us to be well.

For Love,