Exercises, workshop outlines + business support for your work in the world.
For coaches, counsellors, team builders, teachers,
wellness professionals, and idealists of all kinds...
C O N N E C T . L I S T E N . I N S P I R E . P R O S P E R .
Formerly known as The Heart Centered Facilitator Program
I know that you're in service to the world.
You have insight and commitment. And content.
This is deep work—smartly designed for you to make into your own business offering,
compliment what you already have going on, or to bring to your workplace. And we’ll be
supporting you every step of the way.
Choose your path:

All of us want to help people be
steady on this wild ride.
We are professional listeners, life coaches, counsellors, and
community builders. We are undercover holistic agents who
consult with businesses. We are Zooming, we are hugging, we
are developing teams, and facilitating breakthroughs. We are
cheerleaders of compassion.
I know you’re self aware, that you feel the collective upheaval—
and that you know this is a major opportunity for awakening.
The world needs to be having heart
centered conversations.
And the people facilitating those conversations need support.
Your reasons for being here are many…
If you’ve already built a client base, use the Heart Centered curriculum to offer them a fuller experience. We’ve got substantive training in facilitation and connection skills designed by Certified Master Level Integral Coaches. Up level your interaction intelligence.
You know the world’s a beautiful mess, in epic transition. Heart Centered exercises + delivery formats help you meet each person where they're at—from where you are at. It’s all designed for customization, so you can do one-off sessions or year-long programs, hold more casual “conversation circles,” or take the work into a team development setting.
You’re good at marketing a brand/business, and you’re ready to build out and enrich your offerings. This content is accessible, wise, proven, and timely. You can start hosting Heart Centered Circles as soon as you get the program.
Global travel ain't what it used to be. Roll with it and work from your laptop or phone. Your terms, your timezone.
Yep, these fractious, polarized times can be tough to navigate. What the world needs now is Love, sweet Love. Diversity + Inclusion is one of the Heart Centered Leadership training tracks. Many of the Heart Centred exercises are for helping people to soften polarized thinking—of themselves and toward others. The entire program is built on a “me to we to the world” framework.
Are you in the corporate scene and need non woo-woo ways to connect people? Mix n’ match our exercises, and help groups create resilience through their heart intelligence. It’s science, psych’, and spirit-proven.

Become a Heart Centered Leader
and you will…

workshops, programs,
and one-on-one sessions
Heart Centered Leaders are bringing this content to their coaching practices, the corporate world, schools, prisons, spiritual retreats, yoga studios… and to their own lives.
Some Leaders have quit their day jobs and expanded their consultancies. They’ve revived their relationships (and dissolved a few). Banded with peers in other countries, they’ve started joint programs and pivoted their teams. There’s been healing, rejuvenation,
re-branding, and prosperity.

The Heart Centered Leadership Portal
This is the home base for all of your Leadership content:
training videos, audios, exercise decks, and support material.

A Peek at What's Included:

36 Training Videos
With Danielle + Integral Master Coach™ Chela Davison.
You also have access to audio-only versions if you learn best by listening.

The 34 Heart Centered Exercise + Practice Decks
In printable or digital versions. These are the HEART of the Heart Centered curriculum you’ll be offering in your work. We’ve designed each practice in a “deck” form (which you can still print for a binder) to make them portable for workshops and your sessions. Good design is our love language.

46 Exercise Companion Audios
Some are poetic explanations of a Virtue, others are simple walk-throughs of an exercise. These are to guide your own learning AND/OR your clients through the practices. Tune in during your training, and if you like, play key pieces when working with your clients and groups. Multimedia learning for everyone.

Curriculum Formats
For doing one-on-one sessions or group workshops; virtually or in-person. You’ll have formats for everything from short information sessions to introduce the work to a potential client, to deep 3-day workshops schedules. These are ready-to-print and go, or fully customizable.

Self-Assessment Worksheets
For testing your facilitator competencies. Come back to these anytime, and as you grow as a Heart Centered guide.

5-Day Customer Nurture Sequence
$300 value
A marketing funnel in a box. Designed to help you cast a wider net, this plug ‘n play 5 email sequence nurtures potential clients. Copy + assets are ready for you to send out. You just personalize and press send.

Certified Heart Centered Leader
Lead with confidence + book venues with ease. Upon completing the core Heart Centered training modules, you receive a gorgeous license certificate to add to your credibility bank (not that you need it, but we know lots of clients like to see it). Upload to your website, service profiles, frame it... and go serve.

Affiliate Partner Program
Earn a 25% kickback ($500) on your referral to the Leadership Program (and the Heart Centered Membership).
A micro look at the vast library of training + resources available to you:
The Skill Building
This core training curriculum guides you to embody the role of guide + leader.
Learn what is (and is not) your responsibility when facilitating one-on-one sessions or group workshops. We look at the guiding principles and logistics.

The Business Building
Heart Centered specific Business Resources developed in collaboration with our licensed and experienced Heart Centered Leaders, in 3 categories:

Diversity + Inclusion Training
With Integral Master Coach™ Holiday Phillips. A 6-part video + worksheet series on creating your own inclusive, heart centered spaces. Alongside Holiday, you’ll explore questions like:
1. How do we view this moment through a spiritual lens,
as an invitation to collective awakening?
2. What is social identity? What is power? And why is
privilege actually a useful lens for the next evolution towards unity consciousness—but not the final destination?
3. What are your biases? And how do we work with them through gentle awareness?
4. How does one diversify a space? And how do we remove barriers to exclusion?
5. What is “yours” to do?
6. How do you define boundaries that establish trust?
And what do you do when they are violated?

This is for you if…
Let me describe the beautiful range and integrity of our Heart Centered Leaders.
If you can relate or aspire to these ways of working, then this content and curriculum will be a great fit for you.
Former HR director
started her own coaching consultancy and the HC content breathed new life into her offering.
Integrative Nutrition Health Coach
weaving the exercises into her coaching practice.
Television personality for self development
brought this work to her executive coaching clients.
Certified Music Therapist
compliments her work with HC practices.
Co-founder of executive coaching + consulting firm
for top tech companies has used these concepts to help 25,000 employees get “kickass results at work.”
Former child educator
starting to do small Heart Centered Circles within her community.
Event planner
who creates beautiful, growth-focused retreats for women.
Yoga teachers
who integrate yoga with inquiry to create mini-workshops/events.
Mother of three kids
runs retreats a few times a year.
Former minister
working using some of this content with marginalized youth.
Wellness influencer
with a platform who wanted to work with people to help with their anxiety issues.
Environmental specialist at nuclear science + tech organization
uses this for team development.
Works for a financial corporation by day
and is part of the HC Community solely for the good vibes and to fuel her dream of busting out and getting into this line of work.
What do all of these Leaders have in common?
They are the change they wish to see in the world.
They are heart centered.
Some of our Heart Centered Leaders are making great money, others treat this as supplemental love. There are people who join the community just to see how we maintain and market our business. Others do this work for marginalized communities and never charge for it. Some program purchasers get their employers to buy the HC license and they use the content with their work teams (smart!).
When you join us, you will immediately notice how loving these people are. Everyone wants to prosper and have a successful business. The spirit of sharing and generosity is outstanding. There’s room for everyone, from anywhere in the world. All well-intentioned women, men, humans are welcome.
Team D and I feel so honoured to be a part of this.

Your Investment. You've got options.

Plus 1 tree is planted for you every year with TreeSisters International.
The program is set up on an annual automatic renewal. You’ll be charged on your one-year anniversary. All renewals can be switched to a different plan by emailing our support team before your renewal date. If you have any questions, get in touch at [email protected].

Let me speak to all of your wonderings...
This is a beautiful uplevel for seasoned coaches and the like. It helps you speak to these times, to go deeper, expand your clientele, and get a fresh marketing approach. People are yearning for resilience support.
For newbie workshop leaders, or those of you who’ve not led a group or facilitated a conversation… plug and play. You can follow along with the step-by-step materials. They are so well mapped out. And you have a loving community holding you.
The value here is pretty extraordinary. We could offer this program for $5000 and it would be absolutely reasonable. The intellectual property on its own is a stand-alone high value. Same for the Facilitation training from Certified Master Level Integral Coaches.
I want to keep this as accessible as possible for a few reasons. One, it feels right and that’s how we run our business—heart centered. Highly exclusive offerings aren’t the best fit for me. Secondly, I want to support heart centered conversations to happen for as many people as possible. More unity, more connection. Thirdly, all pricing needs to reflect the impact of these times. I can see inflation beginning and I want to go in the opposite direction, toward affordability.
World Shifts
Yep, feels like the world is falling apart. A lot of it is. And that is beautiful news because so many of us are coming together for love, wellness, and sanity. Team D is outstanding at flexibility and creativity. We’re by your side for this ride. The WORLD needs to get heart centered, and we’re all here to do our part.
Learning this material can happen in one fell swoop or you can stagger it. And you can start offering this work early into the training, you don't need to go through every module before you do a practice with a client. Give yourself four to twelve weeks to get immersed and map out your integration plan. Then you can really glide. Also, this is not a race.

There’s a flow of prosperity here––we’re not taking a cut of your income, there are no limits on your pricing or volume of services.
There’s creative flow here––bring your heart, your own contacts, and special skills to every experience you offer.
What is the Heart Centered Leadership Program?
What is the Heart Centered Leadership Program?
Who is it for?
Who is it for?
How much does it cost?
How much does it cost?
What happens as soon as I join?
What happens as soon as I join?
How do I access the materials?
How do I access the materials?
How long is the training?
How long is the training?
What if I need to cancel my subscription?
What if I need to cancel my subscription?
If I need to leave and prepaid my subscription, can I get a refund?
If I need to leave and prepaid my subscription, can I get a refund?
Are scholarships available?
Are scholarships available?
A scholarship offering Lifetime Access to The Heart Centered Leadership Program

Melanie Clark Pullen was a deeply cherished, long term Desire Map + Heart Centered Facilitator, a formidable actress and writer working in Ireland, and a consistent provoker of joy. After an incredibly feisty journey with cancer, Melanie passed over on March 29, 2022.
In honour of her legacy and deep commitment to supporting mental wellness through community building and the arts, every January we gift one lifetime license to someone working in an under-served community. Depending on suitability and circumstances, the Melanie Gift may preference women working in Ireland, but is open to everyone to apply.
“Cancer has been a gift rather than a curse. It’s part of me now and I want to have it propel me to make things better for others somehow. I do not know what that looks like yet but I trust God—that She does and will let me know in Her own Good time.”
Meet the Team who Developed
The Heart Centered Leadership Program
Formerly known as The Heart Centered Facilitator Program

Team D Leading + Supporting you in Heart Centered

Facilitation Training + Program Dev Support

Heart Centered Facilitator Development Team

My Friends,
This process began about nine years ago with The Desire Map. Over 300,000 people experienced that methodology. Heart Centered includes that wealth of experience and transcends it. Like all good things, this evolution started in my kitchen, where I said to my very bright collaborators: This content needs to work for our everyday lives and in times of crisis. It’s got to speak to one spiritual seeker and to a company team. We’ve accomplished that.
This is not a fast fix for anyone's pain. And it’s not a get rich quick scheme. It’s an awakened approach to living and service—that can lead to many forms of prosperity. It requires us to open up to Higher wisdom and to lead with care.
The intelligence of love is the medicine of these times. This is a light dispensary. Please step forward if you’d like to join us in the healing work… unified. A beautiful glimpse of what we’re up to right here.
Some of the people that you do Heart Centered work with will need new thought forms to move them out of fear toward trust (BTW... “How To Create Loving Thoughts” is one of the most impactful exercises in this curriculum.) Some will simply need to be witnessed—please listen deeply. All of them are part of the solution for an aching world.
To awakening hearts everywhere.
With All My Love + Support,