30 days to release, reset, and rise
Morsels of wisdom, poetry, and visual beauty to help realign your inner drive with your outer doing
I’ve wrangled some smart, deep, sexy, arty, starry friends to try something new for March. RENEWAL support. Daily.
You’ll receive an email every morning with a 5 minute practice for renewal and inspiration. This may be… a journaling prompt. A song. A prayer. A short astro perspective.
Let’s turn to each other to be radically kind.
Let’s forgive what we thought was unforgivable.
Let’s call each other up and plan to get together… to renew our love, our faith, and ideals of a beautiful society.
I see you.
I know you… because I am you.
‣ You're a deep feeler. You suspect this could be a Superpower, but often it feels like a short circuit. (It isn't.)
‣ You're highly intentional, but can feel strangely perplexed about your priorities. This is frustrating AF.
‣ Inwardly, you're shocked at how much sh*t you take sometimes—and how cruelly you speak to yourself. This feels like a hard-to-believe vicious cycle.
‣ You've already done so much inner work. Therapy. Coaching. Wellness. Recovery. My friend… you even work at relaxing.
‣ You want someone who's been around the cosmic block to give you the goods on how to clear your mind and tap your LIFE FORCE. (Hello! That’s why I’m here.)
‣ Love is one of your highest values. And although you have struggles, nothing will stop you from leaving this place better than you found it.
Heart Centered is here to hold you, while you let go.

World upheaval and personal transformation…
sometimes it’s hard to tell which is which.
Agitation or wrestling with patience. Polarization and big questions about existence.
It’s all up for all of us.
We haven’t been where we’re going. We need a super sensory compass to navigate.
The most powerful thing you can do for the world is to heal yourself.
When you focus on healing yourself, you tap into a deep reserve of self Compassion—which helps you feel connected to humanity. That connection is incredibly empowering.
A calmer, more resilient you makes for more harmony in your household, family, community and onward. Collective change is an extension of individual consciousness.

Classes with Danielle
LIVE Heart to Heart video calls every other week with Danielle
It’s an honour to connect with this community. I always begin with a deep dive into the topic or a short inquiry practice. Then we dive into pre-submitted and Live questions. We’ve talked about Christ Consciousness, addiction, forgiveness, body love, grief, relationship dynamics. It’s all shadow work. Recordings are uploaded in the Portal for you to watch anytime.
The Guidebook
Every month we lay out exercises + teachings
in a simple, beautiful Guidebook.
Print + bind or keep it digital, the guidebook is the home of Danielle’s monthly perspective piece, the list of our practices (meditation, bathing ritual—you choose), and calendar with all dates + event links for the month.

The Portal
Everything also lives in the HEART CENTERED Portal—home base.
Easy, breezy access to everything for the duration of your membership. We load the fresh content on the first of each month. Audios! Playlists! Meditation Kits! Recordings of the Heart to Hearts! BONUS! When you become a member, you get 100+ posts with content from two years of Heart Centered history!

Perspective on a theme
Each month centers around a new theme like… Deep Simplicity, Self Acceptance, Inner Peace, Courage, For Giving… I write on it, expand it in the Heart to Heart calls, and field all kinds of questions. And there’s an optional self inquiry exercise on the topic.
Meditation Kits ($120 value)
You receive access to our core meditation kits so you can follow your heart with which one you want to work with. I will suggest certain practices each month that support the theme and astrological alignments. Some meditations are accessible ONLY to Members. This has to do with creating an “energetic container” for what we’re working to heal.
Each kit includes: Guided audios + a beautifully designed, printable deck for portability.

Practices + Rituals
For introspection and cleansing.
In the past we’ve done:
Relationship Releasing,
Savasana + Redwood Visualization,
The Water Blessing, Ritual Salt Bath,
The Fire Practice…
Esoteric Instruction
I collaborate with a skilled energy healer V.S., who draws on multiple wisdom traditions and offers teachings on topics like: energy bodies, chakras, nervous system healing, connecting with nature elements, and astrological alignments.
Dark of the Moon +
Full Moon Rituals
We do “release” writing prompts two to three times a month. This is a staple to our monthly cleansing work.
Meditation Classes
Practices in a private online space. The public is invited to register/pay, these are FREE to Heart Centered Members.
One classic mantra selected and interpreted by V.S. for subconscious cleansing. Available on Spotify, iTunes, and YouTube.
Danielle DJ’s (via Spotify + YouTube) soul, rock, folk, old gospel—whatever musical experience sings to the month’s theme.
Facebook Community (Private)
Exclusive + Optional. The people in this community are wise and generous. Connect directly or share your insights, and Danielle pops in from time to time.
Text messages
Love notes + meditation reminders (you’ll love these).
I’ve got sonic love for you: the entire curriculum, visualizations, exercises… You’ll build an audio library you can keep forever.

Do what works for you.
Nothing is compulsory. This is a support system.
I present the perspectives, meditations, and exercises each month as a “choose your own adventure.”
We're going for healing and beautiful heart dedication... not to-do listing.
▸ Responsive to the times
I don’t map out the year in advance. I’m creating it as we go. Relevant and connective.
▸ Togetherness
24 Heart to Heart meets a year! PLUS! 24 meditation classes! Always recorded for your convenience.
▸ Guided + flexible
If you want time-fixed directives, we map it out for you. If you want to go rogue and choose your own adventure, you absolutely can.
▸ Esoterically informed
I collaborate with a beloved energy healer, V.S., who draws on multiple spiritual traditions. She lives and practices very privately. Together, we decide on themes and key notes. V. helps design the meditations, and selects and energizes the mantras and sacred word sets.
▸ Sacred container
We do not fully share the content outside of the Membership. We hold this as an energetic net that respects healing and privacy.
▸ Shop Special
Members (and sometimes their friends!) get a sale special or bonus from our Shop every month.

We'd be honoured to have you.
Credit Cards
The program is set up on an annual automatic renewal. You’ll be charged on your one-year anniversary. All renewals can be switched to a different plan by emailing our support team before your renewal date. If you have any questions, get in touch at [email protected].

We offer some scholarships every month—first come, first serve. (Each person who does the year pre-pay option, creates a free space for someone—1 for 1!) To apply for a full scholarship, contact us HERE.
Team D is a small business, employing a full-time team of 11 people, in three different countries; working on the content, design, tech delivery, and member support for this program and community. And we’re grateful that this is our livelihood!
The retail value for the membership is $70 USD/month. We over-deliver, we love generosity.
Generosity + Philanthropy
When you pay for a full year, you’re sponsoring someone in need who’s requested a membership scholarship.
Also, when you pay full price, you help us support these charities:
- Ally Global: helping survivors of human trafficking find healing
- VDay: ending violence against women + girls
- Tree Sisters: reforesting the world
1 tree is planted for you every month that you’re with us. So far, we’ve planted over 15,000 trees!

The Heart Centered Leader Discount!
Heart Centered Leaders enjoy a discounted rate of $35 a month, with an annual commitment. Email us at [email protected] and mention your Leadership status.
Interested in becoming a Heart Centered Leader? Learn more HERE.
I don’t promise quick fixes. There are no “steps.” I’m offering a beautiful support system steeped in wisdom traditions, personal revelations, and idealism.
▸ You’ll strengthen your connection with Source… Soul… Creation.
▸ Your healed sense of self will help the people around you heal.
▸ You will take these insights into your relationships.
▸ You’ll lead with more grace. You won’t wig out about the future. You’ll sleep better.

Am I ready?
Am I ready?
What happens as soon as I join?
What happens as soon as I join?
What’s the time requirement?
What’s the time requirement?
How often do I receive new practices?
How often do I receive new practices?
How do I access the materials?
How do I access the materials?
GLOBAL. I don’t live in Canada or the US—can I join?
GLOBAL. I don’t live in Canada or the US—can I join?
Does my subscription automatically renew?
Does my subscription automatically renew?
SAVING $. If I sign up for the monthly payment option, can I switch to annual later?
SAVING $. If I sign up for the monthly payment option, can I switch to annual later?
What if I need to cancel my subscription?
What if I need to cancel my subscription?
If I need to leave and prepaid my subscription, can I get a refund?
If I need to leave and prepaid my subscription, can I get a refund?
Loving care.
Loving care.

A support system for reflection
Profound changes are underway for all of us. This era is requiring us to do massive letting go. We need to get into realignment with our Divine Nature.
The more reflective we are, the less reactive we’ll be.
So that’s what this support system is for—tools and community for reflective living.
We’re letting go of the blocks to peace.
We’re cultivating self love—in relation to the whole.
We’re cleaning up debris in our energy bodies,
so that the Light of our Soul can pour into us.
We’re healing.
I’d be honoured to have you with us.
With Love,