Find solace. Build resiliency.
Spiritual practices for self + collective healing.
Guided by Danielle LaPorte + V.S.

Dear Friends,
We’re here to heal—and lead, with the intelligence of love. And by “here” I mean on the planet. It’s the reason we’ve incarnated. To burn the illusions that we’re anything less than Divine and interconnected. This is the shadow work we hear about. Diving deeper into our subconscious to find abiding Light. Our excavation tools are meditation, reflection, ritual, heaps of compassion—and community.
ā£ So much of spiritual practice is about cleansing. We don’t need to look for the truth as much as we need to remove the lies we believe.
ā£ We haven’t been raised to live reflectively. We lack contemplative support systems.
ā£ The Age of Aquarius, the new epoch that we’re in, is ushering in unity consciousness—“me” to “we” is the only way forward.
ā£ Suffering alchemizes into Radiance. With intention, we can remediate anxiety into stability. Dark nights of the soul into new life. Relationship fractures get mended. Rage against the machine becomes fuel for Faith. Loneliness, melting into intimacy. Overwhelm into seva.
This is the work I offer in Heart Centered.
To join a community of seeking humans who want to create change through self-awareness and service. I’m offering vetted esoteric tools for dissolving the obstructions to love and compassion. We cleanse, we relate, we create the conditions for healing.
We’d be honoured to have you with us.
Registration opens the last week of every month. Joining the interest list will get the process going, and we’ll give you a heads up when it’s time to come on in.
Next enrollment is August 25-31, 2021.
We begin September 1, 2021.
Send through your details below, and we’ll ping you when it’s time to go in.
Subscribing indicates your consent to our Terms of Use + Privacy Policy. Plus it gets you access to our weekly email list.
We’re finding nourishment in discharging illusions and pain.
We’re cultivating self agency and love, in relation to the whole.
We’re cleaning up the unseen debris in our energy bodies,
so that the Light of our Soul can pour into us.
We’re healing.
Heart Centered is ready for you.
With All My Love,